26 d’abril 2016

Erasmus, divendres 22

Today is an important day , as we are in the middle of the trip. We woke up at 7.00 am and at 8.00 am we were eating breakfast . Then we went to the "Square of Food " where we always gather all countries. Then we separated into groups to go to a university. The task was to find a student that had been in Erasmus and make questions to get to know their experience. After that we went to visit the Basilica. We had lunch and we went to school of Hungarians to do a peoject about our country. At 7:00 pm we were in a restaurant where we had dinner together and we enjoyed two folclorics dances. After that we danced and we've had fun. We arrived at 00:15 at the hotel because unfortunately we lostthe metro. It was a beautiful day but also very tired!