29 de setembre 2015


Today we have been sleeping more than the other days because we weren't leaving Tg. Secuiesc. We had breakfast at 8:30 and we went to school at 9 o'clock.
The first activity consisted on doing representations by groups in front of judges. Depending on your group colour, you could do a rap, a history,...
Then, we went to have lunch in a pizzeria. After that, we returned to school and each country showed its presentation.
When the countries finished the last activitie, we went to the hotel.
In the hotel everybody had a shower and put on their best clothes for going out. The bus was waiting for so, we went out and the bus took us to the place where we would haver dinner. The place was so big and it had life music. After eating, we danced a lot and we took a lot of photos to remember this amazing trip.


Today we have got up at 7 o'clock and we'd breakfast. After having breakfast wa took the bus and we stopped for buying, after that we continued the voyage. We made a stop to see the last "ferrer" in the zone.
Later we visited an "antropologic" museum of Saint Jorge, a near city, where we have lunch.
Once we'd finished lunch we went to visit "antiguitats" from the country and someones has played traditionals games. After that, in groups, we writed the legend of St. Anne and we drawed our favourite scene.
After all, we went to have dinner but before they teach us some traditionals danses, we had dinner and there were cake for dessert!!!!

23 de setembre 2015


Hi everybody, spanish/catalan team here!
Today we have woken up at 7 o'clock (6 o'clock at home) to visit Brasov, a small city.
Once there we have visited the Black Church, a church characteristic for it's black front walls. But before this, we gave visited a medieval castle, full of rooms and decorations.
After having lunch at an excellent pizzeria, we have gone with the bus to the "Dracula's" castle. We have taken photos its insides and outsides as much as we have liked. 
At night we have had dinner at the Jazz Café. 
Even if sometimes it's cold most of the day has been sunny and just a bit cold in the morning and at night.
We hope tomorrow will be as good as today.


After 3 hours flying and 4 hours in a bus, we finally arrived to Targu Secuiesc.
Today has been the first day. In the morning we have visited the town and the most important landamarks. Then, at 12 o'clock we have gone the school, we have visited it and we have met the guys from another countries. After having had introduced to everyone, we have eaten a typical sandwich from Rumania. After this, we have gone to the gym and we have been divided into groups. We have started a game that has helped us to know more about the town.
We are so happy and excited to be here!!

Glòria Boqué

03 de setembre 2015


Aquest divendres 4 de setembre comença el procés extraordinari de preinscripció i matrícula als CFGM amb la difusió de les vacants al centre. Es poden presentar les sol·licituds del 7 al 9 de setembre.
El dia 15 d'aquest mes es publicarà la llista amb les persones admeses.
La matrícula es realitzarà els dies 15 i 16 de setembre.